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About Damak BuildersDecks, Home Renovations & House ExtensionsNorth Brisbane Company

Finding a Quality Builder in North Brisbane to do your decks, home renovations and house extensions can be challenging. Many may say they deliver professional and services, but only after they have completed the project can you safely say that what they have claimed is indeed a fact.

Your Team ofHome Renovation and House Extension Expertsin North Brisbane

Our team of construction contractors in Burpengary and Morayfield know how important your home is to you. We pride ourselves in managing our work around your lifestyle and specific desires.

With years of combined industry experience

We know that with our many years of combined experience at Damak Builders, we can deliver more than you can even dream of. That’s why we have so many clients who are happy to refer us to you when you get ready to make those improvements.

On our end, we do our best to ensure these house renovations and home extensions in North Brisbane will certainly benefit your family for many years to come.

For more information or an obligation-free quote on our North Brisbane house renovations and home extension services, give Damak Builders a call now! Otherwise, message us on our Facebook Page for assistance.

Getting the job done on time and on budget

Each project requires that we entertain a new set of directives while always maintaining our own promise to get the job done on time and within your budget.

What to expect from the North Brisbane house renovations and home extension services we deliver

Choosing us as your builder of choice for North Brisbane means:

  • A written and well-executed plan that is signed off by you
  • Transparency on costs to you with no surprises
  • Dependable delivery of our services – once we start, we finish
  • An end result that will meet all your expectations

We make your dream home a reality.

Get in contact with Damak Builders, your construction contractor in Burpengary and Morayfield, for extended information on our services.